Coldplay - A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002) - 04 - The Scientist
Coldplay [X&Y] - |04| Fix You [2005]
Coldplay - A Head Full of Dreams - 2015 - 04. Everglow
04. Coldplay - Paradise (OST Life of Pi)
04. Coldplay - Strawberry Swing
Coldplay - Viva La Vida[3:00-4:04]
Lullaby Renditions of Coldplay - 04- The Scientist
ColdPlay - 04. Fix You [ X & Y ]
Coldplay - 04. 42 [ Viva la Vida ]
Coldplay - 04. 42 (Viva la Vida, 2008)
Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face [Live Rock Am Ring 2011-06-04]
Coldplay - Parachutes (2000) - 04. Sparks
ColdPlay - 04. Fix You (X&Y, 2005)
Coldplay - 04. The Scientist (A Rush of Blood to the Head, 2002)
Coldplay - 04. Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends (2008)
Coldplay - 04. The Scientist - A Rush Of Blood To The Head (2002)Indie rock/UK
Coldplay (ft. Beyonce) - Hymn For The Weekend 25.04
Coldplay [A Rush of Blood to the Head] - |04| The Scientist [2002]