Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Self Aware and Self Conscious (This song is also prone to shitty guitar solos)
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Hair Dye
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Day Dreams
amy bruce spaceshow - personal philosophies
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Teenage Angst Song #(Really big number) in the key of C# Maj.
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Eventually Great
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Daily Basis
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Closure (A Goodbye to Friends)
amy bruce spaceshow - small talk
amy bruce spaceshow - predispositions
amy bruce spaceshow - heartache
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Shitty Friend
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Forgetful
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Amy Brucitis
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Everything's Not Okay
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - On Loving Myself and You
amy bruce spaceshow - fight or flight
amy bruce spaceshow - life expectancies
amy bruce spaceshow - heartaches (heartache pt. II)
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Most of the Time
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - Everything's Not Okay
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - self aware
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - sleeping
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - reflections
Amy Bruce Spaceshow - talkative