Andrew Foy - Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood - Fingerstyle Guitar Cover
Andrew Foy - Sugar - Maroon 5 - Fingerstyle Guitar Cover
PANZERfaust & Andrew Foy - gotta get out
PANZERfaust & Andrew Foy - Voodoo Doll
PANZERfaust & Andrew Foy - leaving in the Netherlands
Andrew Foy - Radioactive (Imagine Dragons) - Fingerstyle Guitar - Kelly Vallleau
Eddie van der Meer & Andrew Foy - Kiss you
Andrew Foy - Cake by the Ocean
Eddie van der Meer & Andrew Foy - leaving in the Netherlands
One Direction - Perfect (Guitar Cover by Andrew Foy)
Twenty One Pilots - Heathens (Fingerstyle Guitar Cover by Andrew Foy)
DJ Snake ft. Justin Bieber - Let Me Love You Cover (Fingerstyle Guitar) Andrew Foy