Clandestine Blaze - Altar Of Perversion
Clandestine Blaze - Storm of Purification
Clandestine Blaze - Night Of The Unholy Flames
Clandestine Blaze - Cross Of Black Steel
Clandestine Blaze - There's Nothing...
Clandestine Blaze - Aikakausi On Lyhyt
Clandestine Blaze - Invisible Death
Clandestine Blaze - Beyond The Reason
Clandestine Blaze - Myth Turned Alive
Clandestine Blaze - Psychopathia Sexualis
Clandestine Blaze - Last Morning of Old North
Clandestine Blaze - Unforgiven Acts
Clandestine Blaze - Guided By Black Light
Clandestine Blaze - Native Resistance