every♥ing! - Kesaran Pasaran (Re-Kan! ED TV Size)
every♥ing! - Colorful Story (Re-Kan! OP)
every♥ing! (Erii Yamazaki, Ibuki Kido) - カラフルストーリー Colorful Story[Re-Kan! OP]
Every♥ing! - Shining Sky
St♡ing - Every Breath You Take
Paul Kelly - Every F***ing City [*]
Sav.ing Ab.el - I'm so addicted to All the things you do When you're going down on me In between the sheets Or the sound you make With every breath you take It's not like anything...
Sav.ing Ab.el - I'm so addicted to All the things you do When you're going down on me In between the sheets Or the sound you make With every breath you take It's not like anything When you're loving me..