【FANLOID】V4 Ur ♪, Calligraphy - Magnet
【FANLOID】V4 Ur ♪ - Electric Angel
【FANLOID】V4 Ur ♪ - Die in a Fire
【FANLOID】V4 Ur ♪, Hieroglyph, LeOt - Imitation Black
【FANLOID】Sannako, V4 Ur ♪ - Cantarella
【FANLOID】Sannako, V4 Ur ♪ - Inokori Sensei
【FANLOID】Sannako, V4 Ur ♪ - It'll Be Okay
【FANLOID】Sannako, V4 Ur ♪ - The Phantom of the Opera
【FANLOID】Sannako, V4 Ur ♪ - Little Ripper Boy
【FANLOID】V4 Ur ♪, Cipher, LaUra, Hikiro ★, Rune, Calligraphy, Sannako - Seven Crimes and Punishments
【FANLOID】V4 Ur ♪, Rune, Hikiro ★, Sannako, Cipher, Calligraphy - Madness Duke of Venomania
【FANLOID】V4 Ur ♪, Cipher, LaUra, Hikiro ★, Rune, Calligraphy, Sannako - Seven Crimes and Punishments (ver.2)