Gregorian - Nothing Else Matters [Metallica cover]
Gregorian - The unforgiven (Metallica cover)
Gregorian - The Unforgiven [cover Metallica]
Gregorian - Nothing Else Matters (cover Metallica)
Gregorian (Григорианский хор) - The Unforgiven (Metallica cover)
Gregorian (cover Metallica) - The Unforgiven (cover Metallica)
Gregorian [1999 - Masters Of Chant]-Германия. - Nothing Else Matters cover Metallica)
Gregorians - The unforgiven (Metallica cover)
Gregorian - The Unforgiven [Metallica Cover](New Age, Symphonic Metal)
Gregorian Chants - Nothing Else Mathers ( Metallica cover)
gregorian - the U N F O R G I V E N (metallica cover)
Gregorian [Masters Of Chant I] - Nothing Else Matters (Metallica cover)
Gregorians - Nothing Else Matters (Metallica Cover)
Gregorian - Nothing Else Matters(Metallica cover)
Gregorian - Nothing Else Matters [Metallica Cover](New Age, Symphonic Metal)
[V♠S]Gregorian - The unforgiven (Metallica cover)
(2006) Gregorian - Masters of Chant Chapter V - 12. The Unforgiven (Metallica cover)