Worship Empire - Я за любов повстану (Hillsong UNITED cover)
Oceans (Where My Feet May Fail) - Hillsong UNITED (Piano Cover)
Hillsong - Киев - Ты над городом этим (cover by Chris Tomlin - God of this city)
Hillsong (UNITED) - Oceans (COVER)
Hillsong United - Oceans (cover by For a Season)
Hillsong UNITED - Oceans (MADE IN BEAT STUDIO) - (COVER) на русском
Hillsong UNITED - Oceans (cover на русском)
Hillsong United Cover by Eduard Akulov - Like an avalanche
Cover Hillsong Y&F - В этом жизнь моя (This is living)
Sarah Reeves Elise Miller - Wake (Hillsong Cover)
New Generation (Рижская церковь) - Верой сдвину даже горы (Hillsongs cover)
ХМЦ - Океаны (Hillsong United Cover)
Bria Blessing - Hillsong Oceans Ukrainian cover
SKEEMANS WORSHIP - (Cover Hillsong - Your Name High)
Worship Empire - Heaven & Earth (Hillsong UNITED cover)
Worship Empire - Oceans (Hillsong UNITED cover|LIVE)
Worship Empire - Touch the Sky (Hillsong UNITED cover)
Алиса Эль - Я сдаюсь, Бог(cover hillsong)
SKEEMANS WORSHIP - Имя Твое Вознесем (cover Hillsong - Your Name High)
Worship Empire - Even When It Hurts (Hillsong UNITED cover)
Eluchnikov - Ты Ценнее (Hillsong - You_Are_More cover)
Worship Empire - Where You Are (Hillsong Y&F cover)
Selena Gomez - Transfiguration (cover Hillsong Worship )
Legaci (Hillsong cover) - Hosanna
Hamsters (Hillsong cover) - Небес Коснусь
Hillsong cover - Иисус, спасибо
Hillsong United - Oceans (where feet may fail) (worshipmob cover)
Hillsong - Christ Is Enough (Adam Angel cover)[LIVE on tape-recorder]
Dj Lovans ft. Hillsong Young and Free - Wake (drum cover)
Hillsong United - Oceans (Rock Cover)
Hillsong Kiev - Ты над городом этим (cover by Chris Tomlin - God of this city)
Hillsong - Mighty to Save (Cover)
Hillsong Y&F - Back To Life (cover)
Hillsong - Бог этого города (Chris Tomlin acoustic cover)
Hillsong (acoustic cover by aLio ft. Audrey) - Beautiful Exchange
Hillsong (79 Band acoustic cover) - Touch The Sky
Hillsong Киев (cover by Chris Tomlin - God of this city) - Ты над городом этим...!!!
ЦХВЕ Воскресение - К свободе прорвись (Hillsong cover)
Karina - Осанна - Hillsong (cover)
Vladimir & Emmanuel Popudrebko - Океаны (Hillsong Cover)
Артур Белостоцкий - From the Inside Out (Hillsong cover)
Пробуждение - Одно Желание (Hillsong Cover) [МИНУС]
Пробуждение - Цари Вовек (Hillsong Cover) [МИНУС]
Side Project - Имя Твое (Hillsong cover)
Chris Duran - Único Caminho (One Way - Brazilian Hillsong cover)
Sarah Reeves - Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) (Hillsong cover)
Worship Empire - Stay and Wait |Live (Hillsong cover)
Prayer House (demo) - 2099 В этом жизнь моя (Hillsong cover)
Демченко Александра - Влюбляюсь в Тебя (Hillsong cover)
Eugene Peltek - Только Иисус (cover by Hillsong)
Путь спасения - Океаны ( Hillsong by cover )
Поколение Отца - Океаны (cover by Hillsong)
#ОТКРОВЕННЫЙРАЗГОВОР - Ты Ценнее (Hillsong - You_Are_More cover)
Откровенный Разговор - Лавиной Любви (Hillsong - Like_An_Avalanche cover)
Lacosta - Стою (cover Hillsong)
Worship Empire Live - Нині ми живі (Hillsong United cover)
Роман Касевич - Мира Принц (Hillsong UNITED cover)
Worship Empire - Wake (Hillsong Y&F cover|LIVE )
Наталья Поплевченкова - cover Hillsong Ukraine-Океаны
Worship Empire - Ocean (Hillsong UNITED cover|LIVE)
Dasha Anikina - You (cover Hillsong)
Evgeniy Luchnikov - Ты Ценнее (Hillsong - You_Are_More cover)
Selena Gomez - Transfiguration (Hillsong Worship Cover)
Gardiner Sisters - Oceans(Hillsong United Cover)
Давид Тухтаев - Even when its hurts Hillsong United (cover) Минус
Minzy (2NE1) - Hosanna (Hillsong United cover)
Oceans - Океаны (Hillsong United Cover
Роман Касевич - Мира Принц (cover Hillsong - Prince of Peace)
Worship Empire - Жив (Hillsong Y&F cover|LIVE )
Payorgo - Alive (Hillsong Y&F cover)
Океани - Hillsong Oceans Ukrainian cover
Hasten - Even When It Hurts (Hillsong UNITED Cover)
Молодежный и детский хор церкви Благодать г. Минск - Рожден Царь ( Cover Hillsong - Born is the King)
.ιllιlι.ιl Hillsong Киев (cover by Chris Tomlin - God of this city) - Ты над городом этим