Michael Pallante - The Land of Two Sisters (Pony Drinking Song)
Michael Pallante - Discord's Lament
Michael Pallante - In My Dreams
Michael Pallante - Like Sisters
Michael Pallante - #NotAtBronyConMoments
Michael Pallante - The Sky Is Magic (Scootaloo's Song)
Michael Pallante - Rainbow Rising
Michael Pallante - Something For Me (Twilight's Kingdom)
Michael Pallante - That Dashie Tho
Michael Pallante - Flying Purple Pony Princess
Michael Pallante - Oh, Celestia
Michael Pallante - Simply Dashing
Michael Pallante - Shadow Is My Light
Michael Pallante - A Sister Like You
Michael Pallante - Rainbow Falls
Michael Pallante - I Saw Mommy Eating Santa's Brains
Michael Pallante - Equestria Girls!