=Mil=ey C=yr=us= - Ho=ed=ow=n Thr=ow=dow=n (O=S=T Ha=nn=ah M=on=tan=a)
O a-ha - memorial beach (1993) O
G-o-o-d- C-ha-r--lo-t-t-e - D-a--nc-e- Fl-o-or- A-n-t-he-m
A-r-m-in- V-a-n- B-u-u-r-en- ft. S-ha-ro-n- D-en- A-de-l - I-n- And- O-u-t- Of- L-o-ve
Ke$ha (WARRIOR 2012) - #9 O N L Y W A N N A D A N C E W I T H Y O U
T y g a - M o l l y f e a t . W i z K ha l i f a & M a l l y M a l l
Ke$ha (WARRIOR: DELUXE EDITION 2012) - #13 L A S T G O O D B Y E
Sinead O`Connor - Success has made a failure of our home
P.O. Box - Music Has Taken A Backseat To Haircuts
HA feat. J.O.K.E.R. & G.NA - A Bitter Day
Ke$ha (WARRIOR: DELUXE EDITION 2012) - #15 O U T A L I V E
Ke$ha (WARRIOR 2012) - #8 W O N D E R L A N D
Ke$ha (WARRIOR 2012) - #6 W H E R E V E R Y O U A R E
Ke$ha (WARRIOR 2012) - #1 W A R R I O R
m e l a n c h o l y - she has no time
℣ᏐᎵ ▼ C o C a I n E ▼ ℣ᏐᎵ - La Tarde Se Ha Puesto Triste
M-ad---ne--s--s - Win-gs Of A D-ove(O-ST 10- Things I Ha-te Abou-t You)
D-u-ra-n- D-u-ra-n - W-ha-t- H-a-p-pe-n-d-s- T-o-mo-r-ro-w
Filterfunk - S.O.S. (Message in A Bottle)(Delano & Crockett Remix) <