Florence And The Machine - Heavy In Your Arms (OST сумерки сага затмение)
Florence and The Machine - Heavy In Your Arms (OST Сумерки 3. Затмение)
●║OST Затмение-Florence and The Machine - Heavy In Your Arms (Вторая композиция финальных титров)
Florence And The Machine - Heavy In Your Arms (OST Сумерки. Сага. Затмение. Титры. Печально)
Сумерки. Сага. Затмение (The Twilight Saga. Eclipse) -ost - 04. Heavy In Your Arms - Florence And The Machine
Сумерки. Сага. Затмение (The Twilight Saga. Eclipse) -ost- - 2010 - 04. Heavy In Your Arms - Florence And The Machine