If I Were a Painting - Kenny Rogers ٠ 1990 ٠ Love Is Strange ٠ Skip Ewing, Donald R. Sampson ٠ AGP
ܨღஐღ DAMIR ღஐღܨLionel Richie & Sevie Wonder,Paul Simon & Kenny Rogers,Billy Joel,Michael & Diana Ross,Dionne Warwick & Willie N - We Are The World ⊱ٯDٯ₳ٯʃMٯIٯRٯ⊱
Lionel Richie & Sevie Wonder,Paul Simon & Kenny Rogers,Billy Joel,Michael & Diana Ross,Dionne Warwick & Willie N - We Are The World ⊱ٯЭٯRٯʃIٯKٯAٯ⊱
(R)倫巴表演Kenny Rogers - Lady(Latina-musica a mi corazon-Rumba)