[RapCore] Hollywood Undead - Levitate
[Alternative Rock/Rapcore] Hollywood Undead - Day Of The Dead (2015)
Hollywood Undead - Undead (Rapcore) (Normal
Hollywood Undead feat. Eminem - Undead Rapcore
Hollywood Undead - Undead (RapCore Style)
Hollywood Undead Feat. Eminem - Undead (Rapcore) (Hard) (PowermoveGalaxy)
▓░ Hollywood Undead ▓░ - Glory * 2011 * :Just Rapcore: **
Hollywood Undead - Hear Me Now (rapcore/alternative)
Hollywood Undead - Comin' In Hot (rapcore)
Hollywood Undead - Pain (rapcore)
Hollywood Undead - I Don't Wanna Die (rapcore)
Hollywood Undead - Hear Me Now (rapcore)
Hollywood Undead - Young (rapcore)