Ray Koefoed - The Sum of a Body
Ray Koefoed - Reign of The Disruptors
Ray Koefoed - Generation of Disorder
Ray Koefoed - Decades of Blame
Ray Koefoed (Music by Opir) - Oubliette (Clean Vocal Version)
Mind.In.A.Box & Ray Koefoed - World Without a Sky
Ray Koefoed - Delicious Waffles Yum
Energoblock - Taste The Cake (Remix On Ray Koefoed)
Ray Koefoed and THYX - Survival Instinct
THYX & Ray Koefoed - Ships to War
Energoblock/Ray Koefoed - Taste The Cake
Ray Koefoed(Portal) - Taste the Cake
Ray Koefoed - Taste the Cake (OST Portal)
Ray Koefoed (Music by Opir) - Oubliette
Ray Koefoed(Portal) - Taste the Cake (The Cake is a lie)
Mind.In.A.Box & Ray Koefoed - World Without a Sky 2012
Eraphobia Feat. Ray Koefoed - 9 Crimes (Damien Rice Cover)
Ray Koefoed Feat. The Ebola Projekt - Empty Summer Nights
Ray Koefoed - Taste the Cake (The Cake is a lie)
The Ebola Projekt & Ray Koefoed - Empty Summer Nights