Paddy And The Rats - Song of a Leprechaun
Emma Townshend - We can fly away (OST The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns)
Apey & The Pea - Leprechaun Skin
Paddy And The Rats - Rats on Board (2010) - 02. Song of a Leprechaun
Boggin Leprechaun - Star Of The County Down
Leprechaun - The Elements' Weaving
Leprechaun - The Ultimate Dance
JULINOZA Music - The Leprechauns (official)
Emma Townshend (OST "The magical legend of the leprechauns") - We can fly away
Leprechaun - The Violin And The Nightingale
The Purple Blue - Leprechaun (10.09.16)
The magic legend of Leprechauns - We Can Fly Away
Audio 1 - We can fly away (OST The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns)
JULINOZA Music - The Leprechauns