Uriah Heep - 14.Sweet Pretender(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 10.Everything In Life(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - Sonic Origami (1998) - I Hear Voices
Uriah Heep - 07.Question+09.Shelter From the Rain(1998-Sonic Origami) _! 2
Uriah Heep - 13.The Golden Palace(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 11.Across The Miles(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 03.Perfect Little Heart(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 08.Change(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 06.In The Moment(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 07.Question(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 05.Only The Young(1998-Sonic Origami)
Uriah Heep - 04.Heartless Land(1998-Sonic Origami)