Again above the field the bird of war circles By directing one's eyes to overgrown ground Raven - dark wanderer, seeker of dartstorm, what you see below? Whether tribute will return to you today? The battles of the past ages have abated for a long time Where all those who appreciated not only life? Where the true servants of the old gods? Long ago the field has turned in wasteland, has forgot the thunder of Odin's weather Only raven have patience to wait for his hour
Again above the field the bird of war circles By directing one's eyes to overgrown ground Raven - lonely wanderer, only you still remember old times, Wait for returning of pagan konungs and kings Your circles become wider, and flight - higher But you are still here
Above the field the bird of war circles By directing one's eyes to overgrown ground Munin, how long to wait? Is it worth waiting?... (Munin:) — It is worth waiting