Zazdrość starzeje go za każdym razem Gdy widzi jak leżymy blisko niego Jei zapach stał się jego przekleństwem Niczego innego nie jest w stanie czuć
Blask jej turkusowych oczu Skradł mu jego poranki Które tak uwielbiał On już się nie budzi
I've seen them... so many times Trying to fulfill that evening With their passion and brightness I envy those moments
Nie wyobrażam sobie innego życia
He was trying to reach the depths of her mind Leading his eyes on her face and smuggling a smile
Ona zawsze pozostanie u mego boku
I've seen him very clearly, he was tired Time and search left scars on his pale face
Now he was living only for those evenings For those small little moments when finally He could lay his eyes on her turquoise body And see how life can be beautiful
That small part of his existence was giving him hope He wasn't accepting the fact that maybe, one day One evening will come and she will not be there That he will be forced to face himself alone
He was comparing that silly possibility To a morning, when after a long night And a deep sleep someibe wakes up And realize that outside there's no day... ...But an unfinished night...
...I woke like that every day Trying to find a sun that stopped shining for me
To tak, jakbyś pewnego ranka, Po długim głębokim śnie, obudził się Nie zastając na zewnątrz dnia, Tylko wiecznie trwającą noc
I wake like that every day Trying to find a sun that stopped shining for me So long ago, but I still believe it's untrue, Like a child who didn't want to grow
I've seen her only once, before all happened And didn't want to look at her ever since
She was an incarnation of all perfect elements of life How I wanted to be him just for a while My envy is making me older every time I see them laying next to me on the grass They didn't notice that I'm here That I'm just this old man sitting on this eternal bank...
My envy is making me older every time I see them laying next to me on the grass They didn't notice that I'm here That I'm just this old man sitting on this eternal bank... ...An old man that he'll become in moments ...Just like me... ...Just like any other... ...One of us...