You had to boost me up cause I’ve always been awful at climbing fences. At least until we brought the hedge clippers to put a whole near the ground. We’d climb up that ladder, and I can remember the first time we were up there we knew we had to do something. Something big, something pretty, something to remember.
It ended up being all about me, but you didn't care cause you could help. And you were rigging everything to blow, while I watched from afar. That’s how it went that summer: with us smiling at the last vestiges of childhood and innocence as the black sky exploded above us.
As the music drifted out over our heads, you ran out in the field, laid next to the fuse. From the scoreboard I watched a flame light up your face, then I saw as that car circled back towards the field. And I felt my stomach tense, but the grin on my face was watching our next move. So I watched a spotlight up your body; and as you ran for your life, and the fireworks lit up everything, we were immortal.
Everything takes flight and we all move on and we all grow up and we all forget and we all grasp at what’s left but it’s all gone.