Through the other side of humanity Sun has hidden his ways, his face in crimson haze Only weariness upon our former selves Bring us down again, down to nothingness
Do not comfort me, words are meaningless Do not pray for me, I am beyond his reach Do not bring me love when my hate grows stronger Do not bring me life, in darkness I am alive
Kaikki saatanan tuskat sisдllддn Ehkд ihminen muisto kaukainen Yksin kannoin sen, ristin kultaisen Yksin kestin sen, kylmдn helvetin Kalmankalpea kuin kuolon kuningas Kipu ikuinen tuhatkertainen
I don't want to die, but I cannot live When everything around is burned away I'm crowned in despair, I'm throned and betrayed And everything around is burned to stay
Why did you take me into your dreams And down to your earth you laid me I'm longing for death to come over me For far too long like this have I been
From the ashes, from the fright From the almighty night Arose she, my sweetest child Oh come, come by my side Crowned and damned Forlorn and mourned Come and rule with me This immortal world