P/u/l/s/e/ U/l/t/r/a/ - B/u/i/l/d/ Y/o/u/r/ C/a/g/e/s/
C.o.u.n.t.i.n.g.. .C.r.ow..s. - A.c.ci.d.e.n..t.a.l.l.y. .i.n. ..L.o.v.e.
The P.r.e.t.t.y. R.e.c.k.l.e.s.s. - Heart
B=l=a=c=k= =Ey=e=d= =P=e=a==s - =Wh=e=r=e= =i=s= =t=h=e= =l=ov=e==
.T.h..e. .B.l.a.c.k. .E.y.e.d. .P.e.a.c.e. - Let`s Get it Started
I.n.g.r.i.d. M.i.c.h.a.e.l.s.o.n. - Everybody wants to love
2.P.a.c. .f.e.a.t. .K.u.r.u.p.t. - S.t.i.l.l. .B.a.l.l.i.n.
B.l.a.c.k. S.t.o.n.e. C.h.e.r.r.y. - Blame It On The Boom Boom
B.r.o.c.a.s. .H.e.l.m. - Cry of the Banshee
T.h.e P.r.e.t.t.y .R.e.c..k.l.e.s.s - U.n.d.e.r T.h.e W.a.t.e.r
K.e.l.l.y. C.l.a.r.k.s.o.n. - My Life Would Suck Without You
K.e.l.l.y. .C.l.a.r.k.s.o.n. - Becouse of You
C.a.pt.u.r.e. .T.h.e. .C..r.o.w.n. - I.n. .M.y.. .H.e.a.d. .(.J.a.s.o.n. .D.e.r.u.l.o. .c.o.v.e.r.)
.2.P.a.c. .f.t... .S.n.o.o.p. .D.o.g.g. - S.t.r.e.e.t. .L.i.f.e.
K.i.l.l.s.w.i.t.c.h. .E.n.g.a.g.e. - B.r.e.a.k. .T.h.e. .S.i.l.e.n.c.e.
=A=d=a=m= =L=am=b=e=r=t= - F=e=e=l=i=n=g= =G=o=o=d= =(=Mu=s=e= =C=o=v=er)
J.a.y.-.Z./ - M.y .P.r.e.s.i.d.e.nt. .I.s. .B.l.a.c.k
A. .P.l.a.c.e. .t.o. .B.u.r.y. .S.t.r.a.n.g.e.r.s - D.e.a.d.b.e.a.t
.T.h.e. .E.a.g.l.e.s - H.o.t.e.l. .C.a.l.i.f.o.r.n.i.a. .(.a.c.o.u.s.t.i.c. .l.i.v.e.)
a r c t i c m o n k e y s - O L D Y E L L O W B R I C K S
S.a.r.a.h C.o.n.o.r - F.r.o.m S.a.r.a w.i.t.h l.o.v.e
C.o.b.r.a. S.t.a.r.s.h.i.p. ft. M.a.c. M.i.l.l.e.r. - middle finger
T..h.e. .P.u.s.sy.c.a.t. .D.o.l.ls - Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
F.l..e..t.c.h.e.r S.h.e.r.i.d.a.n - Ave Maria
S.l.i.m. T.h.u.g. - C.l.i.c.k C.l.a.c.k.
M.a.r.t.i.n. .K..e.s.i.c.i. .&. .T.a.r.j.a. ..Tu.r.u.n.e.n. - L.e.a.v.i.n.g. .Y.o.u. .f.o.r. .M.e.......
• M...u.s.i.c H...a.y.k (.B.l.a.c.k S.ta.r. I.n.c.) - Л...ю.б.о.в.ь (. •
M.e.e.k M.i.l.l feat R.i.c.k R.o.s.s - Ima Boss
A-ha - Summer moved on [C.L.A.S.S. remix]
T h e P r e t t y R e c k l e s s - M y M e d i c i n e✔
S.i.c.k. P.u.p.p.i.e.s. - S.h.o.u.l.d.v.e. K.n.o.w.n. B.e.t.t.e.r
.S.u.z.i.e. .M.c.n.e.i.l. - .S.t.a.y.
C o l d p l a y - P a r a d i s e
S.u.g.a.r.c.u.l.t. - In the heat of Los Angeles
C/i/r/c/l/e/ O/f/ D/u/s/t/ - C/h/a/s/m/
S i m o n C u r t i s - f l e s h
W.u.-.Ta.n.g .C.l.a.n. - S.w.e.e.t .L.ov.e
M a r k u s S c h u l z f e a t. A n a C r i a d o - Surreal (Omnia Remix) [ASOT 503]
Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band - L.I.P.S.T.I.C.K.
T h e P r e t t y R e c k l e s s - J u s t T o n i g h t✔
.H.i.t.m.a.n.: .B.l.o.o.d. .M.o.n.e.y. - .A.p.o.c.a.l.y.p.s.e.
E X C L U S I V E - E X C L U S I V E
P o e t s o f t h e F a l l - C a r n i v a l o f R u s t
W i l d C h e r r y - P l a y T h a t F u n k y M u s i c
K.e.y.s.h.i.a .C.ol.e. - S.h.o.u.l.d.a .L.et.. .Y.ou. .G.o .in.t.r.o.d.u.ci.n.g. .A.m.i.na
J a y - Z f e a t . A l i c i a K e y s - E m p i r e S t a t e o f M i n d
~~~ D N S P r o j e c t f e a t . J o h a n n a - M i n d f u l ( R a d i o E d i t ) ~~~
K.a.ny.......e W.e.s....t. - C.l.iq......u.e
Хиты 80-90-х A.C.E o.f B.A.S.E - W.h.e.e.l o.f F.o.r.t.u.n.e
C r y s t a l C a s t l e s - ⭐⭐⭐
C.h.r.i.s. C.o.r.n.e.l.l. - You Know My Name (OST "Казино рояль")
L.C.D. S.o.u.n.d.s.y.s.t.e.m. - New York, I Love You
C/r/i/s/s/ A/n/g/e/l/ - R/u/b/b/e/r/ R/o/o/m/
P.u.s.ha. T. .Ft.. .T.y.l.e.r. .T.h.e. C..r.ea.t.o.r. - Trouble On My Mind (OST PROJECT X)
Dan Bull - You're S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Eminem , 50 C.e.n.t, C.a.sh.i.s & L.l.oy.d B.a.n.k.s - You Don't Know
T h e P r e t t y R e c k l e s s - U n d e r T h e W a t e r
S.C.A.L.P. - Till The Clouds Fly
S.C.A.L.P. - Тени (Твой мир...)
A r c t i c M o n k e y s - W h y ’ d Y o u O n l y C a l l M e W h e n Y o u ’r e H i g h
T h e P o e t s O f T h e F a l l - P a s s i o n C o l o r s E v e r y t h i n g
S.k.y.e. .E.d.w.a.r.d.s. - C.a.l.l. .M.e. .
A r c t i c M o n k e y s - F l u o r e s c e n t A d o l e s c e n t
B-L-A-C-K--S-T-A-R M-A-F-I-A - B-L-A-C-K--S-T-A-R M-A-F-I-A
A r c t i c M o n k e y s - B a l a c l a v a
H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D-U-N-D-E-A-D - C-I-R-C-L-E-S
M u s e - B l a c k B l a c k H e a r t
W i l d C h e r r y - P l a y T h a t F u n k y M u s i c (OST Кухня на СТС)
t a y l o r s w i f t - b l a n k s p a c e
ㅤ■ ㅤa n t o n i oㅤs a l i e r iㅤ - ㅤ♢ d i a b o l i cㅤm a e s t r o
G o r i l l a z - C l i n t E a s t w o o d .
3 0 S E C O N D S T O M A R S - A L I B I
P l a c e b o - M y S w e e t P r i n c e
f a l l o u t b o y - c e n t u r i e s
O w l C i t y - F i r e f l i e s
o n e r e p u b l i c - e v e r y b o d y l o v e s m e
2.P.a.c. - S.t.r.e.e.t. .L.i.f.e. .(.f.e.a.t. .S.n.o.o.p. .D.o.g.g.).
/M/i/c/h/e/l/ /J/a/k/s/o/n - /E/a/r/t/h/ /S/o/n/g/
T h r e e D a y s G r a c e - L a s t t o K n o w
K e v i n R u d o l f - G r e a t E s c a p e
B e b e ft. P e n e l o pe C r u z - S i emp e Me Qu e d a r (OST Cocaine)
T h r e e D a y s G r a c e - N e v e r T o o L a t e
B-l-u-e--O-c-t-o-b-e-r - S-a-y--I-t
P L A C E B O - for what It's worth
l o r d e - t e n n i s c o u r t
S.a.m. .M.c.C.a.r.t.h.y. .f.t ..Ha.r..r.y. .St.y.l.e.s - Don't Let Me Go
/K/vG/ /&/ /S/a//n/c/h/o /f/e/a/t/./ A/l/l/y K/r/i/s/t/al/ly - Только я и ты
b l a c k v e i l b r i d e s - .
→ J u s t i n B i e b e r f t. M i l e y C y r u s - Twerk
S T Ó C K H O L M × S Y N D R Ó M E - Hold Yuh!
a l e s s i a c a r a - h e r e
C.h.r.i.s.t.i.n.a ___ A.g.u.i.l.e.r.a. - Bound To You (Burlesque OST)
♬ C.h.r.i.s.t.i.n.a.A.g.u.i.l.e.r.a - You Lost Me
V. I. P. E X C L U S I V E - ____________________
Гимн Света - C.i.r.c.l.e.s. (W.i.t.h. B.a.c.k.g.r.o.u.n.d. V.o.c.a.l.s.)
Гимн Света - W.h.e.r.e. T.h.e. L.i.g.h.t. I.s. (W.i.t.h. B.a.c.k.g.r.o.u.n.d. V.o.c.a.l.s.)