Yashin - Stand Up (I know you'll probably never read this, but they did this live!)(I typed this on Nov 15th 2014. Let's see this time capsule song in action!)(Update it with the date you read it, I guess.)
Hitoshizuku-P x Yama△ feat. MAYU - 1000年タイムカプセル | Sennen TAIMU KAPUSURU | A thousand year time capsule [VOCALOID]
Acid Mothers Temple SWR - Today I Remained Utterly Unmoved When I Dug Up The Time Capsule I Buried Three Days Ago...
East Cafe - The Time Capsule (March 2016) Live @ PrimeHouse pres. Sahar.Z Kastis Torrau and Donatello
椎名林檎と中田ヤスタカ Shiina Ringo & Nakata Yasutaka (CAPSULE) - 熱愛発覚中 Netsuai Hakkakuchuu
Acid Mothers Temple SWR 2009 Stones, Women and Records at Taku Taku - 01 Today I remained utterly unmoved when I dug up the time capsule I buried three days ago...