Demons and Wizards - The Gunslinger (по мотивам эпопеи С. Кинга "Тёмная Башня")
The Spell - Uriah Heep ٠ 1972 ٠ Demons And Wizards ٠ Ken Hensley ٠ AGP
Demons and Wizards - Crimson King (по циклу Стивена Кинга "Темная Башня")
Demons & Wizards - The Gunslinger (по циклу Стивена Кинга "Темная Башня")
Easy Livin' - Uriah Heep ٠ 1972 ٠ Demons And Wizards ٠ Ken Hensley ٠ AGP
Uriah Heep - The spell ٠ 1972 ٠ Demons And Wizards ٠ Ken Hensley ٠ AGP
Demons & Wizards (Blind Guardian: Hansi Kürsch, Iced Earth: Jon Schaffer) - Tear Down The Wall
Demons & Wizards (Blind Guardian: Hansi Kursch, Iced Earth: Jon Schaffer) - Tear Down The Wall
Demons & Wizards (Blind Guardian: Hansi Kürsch, Iced Earth: Jon Schaffer) - Tear Down The Wall