M.a.r.i.l.y.n. .M.a.n.s.o.n. - T.h.i.s. .I.s. .T.h.e. .N.e.w. .S.h.i.t.
T...w...o D...oo..r Ci...n...e..m..a C..lu...b - S...om..e..thi....ng G...oo...d Can Wo..rk
R.i.h.a.n.n.a - U.m.b.r.e.l.la
E.m.i.n.e.m. - Just Dont Give a Fuck
E/m/e/l/i S/a/n/d/e - My K/ind Of L/ov/e
E/m/i/n/e/m// - L//ov/e/ /t/h/e/ /W/a/y/ /Yo/u/ /L/i//e/ /(f/e/a/t/.// R/i/h/a/n/n/a/)/
M.i.c.k. J.a..g.g.e.r. feat. L.e.n.n.y. K.r.a.v.i.t.z. - God Gave Me Everything
T/h/e C/r/a/n/b/e/r/i/e/s - Z/o/m/b/i/e
B.a.d. .R.el.i..g.i.o.n. - I. .L.o..v.e. .M.y. .C.o.m.p.ut.e.r
I.n.g.r.i.d. M.i.c.h.a.e.l.s.o.n. - Everybody wants to love
M/a/r/t/i/n S/e/x/t/o/n - Diner
C.o.m.p.t.o.n's M.o.s.t W.a.n.t.e.d - Hood Took Me Under
/W/i/l/l/./i/./a/m/ /fe/a/t./ /J/u/s/t/i/n/ B/i/e/be/r/ - That Power
Ge.n..t.l.e.m.a.n. - Intoxication
T.h.e. A.u.t.o.m.a.t.i.c. - S.t.e.v.e. M.c.Q.u.e.e.n.
3.0 .S.e.c.o.n.d. T.o .M.a.r.s - T.h.e K.i.ll (ac.ou.stic.)
C.a.pt.u.r.e. .T.h.e. .C..r.o.w.n. - I.n. .M.y.. .H.e.a.d. .(.J.a.s.o.n. .D.e.r.u.l.o. .c.o.v.e.r.)
M.ad.i..s.o.n ..A.f.f.a.i.r. - We.. .a.r.e. .t.h.e. .Wa..v..e. .
I M P I R E O S M A N O V | - role game
=A=d=a=m= =L=am=b=e=r=t= - F=e=e=l=i=n=g= =G=o=o=d= =(=Mu=s=e= =C=o=v=er)
S.y.s.t.e.m. .O.f .A. .D.o.w.n - Such a lonely day
T.h.e.o.r.y. .O.f. .A. .D.e.a.d.m.a.n. - Me And My Girl
M.a.r.l.i.n. .M.a.n.s.o.n. - T.a.i.n.e.d. .L.o.v.e.
E.m.i.n.e.m. f.t. D.r.a.k.e. & T.y.g.a. - No Return
F.a.r E.a.s.t M.o.v.e.m.e.n.t. - Girls On the Dance Floor
M.a.c.h.i.n.e. G.u.n. K.e.l.l.y. - Skate Cans
S.a.r.a.h C.o.n.o.r - F.r.o.m S.a.r.a w.i.t.h l.o.v.e
a r c t i c m o n k e y s - O L D Y E L L O W B R I C K S
M.a.r.t.i.n. .K..e.s.i.c.i. .&. .T.a.r.j.a. ..Tu.r.u.n.e.n. - L.e.a.v.i.n.g. .Y.o.u. .f.o.r. .M.e.......
P.a.n.ic.!. .A.t. .T.h.e .D.i.s.c.o. - T.r.a.d.e. .M.i.s.ta.k.es.
j.a.r.e.d. .p.a.d.a.l.e.c.k.i. - t.a.k.e. .m.y. .h.a.n.d.
P.e.n.d.u.lu.m.. - T.h.e. I.s.l.a.n.d. .(.Du.b .s.t.ep. R.e.mi.x.)..
I-m-a-g-i-n-e- -D-r-a-g-o-n-s - R-a-d-i-o-a-c-t-i-v-e-
m.a.l.i.n.e.n. - san francisco
//A R C T I C M O N K E Y S - 5 0 5//
/P/i/t/ /B/u/l/l/ - I/// /k/n/o/w/ /y/o/u/ /w/a/n/t/ /m/e///
W E E K E N D ' B O O M ' I N S P I R A T I O N - R A D I O ' S H O W
L.o.u.i.s. .A.r.m.s.t.o.n.g. - W.h.a.t. .A. .W.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l. .W.o.r.l.d.
E.m.i.n.e.m. ft H.a.i.l.e.y. W.i.l.l.i.a.m.s. ft B.o.B - A.i.r.p.l.a.n.e.s.
T.h.e B.r.o.w.n.i.n.g - A.s.h.a.m.e.d
E.m.i.n.e.m, D.r. D.r.e. & 5.0. C.e.n.t. - Crack a Bottle
.E.m.i.n.e..m.. - .L.o.v.e. ..t.h.e. ..W.a.y. ..Y.o.u.. .L.i..e
.S.u.z.i.e. .M.c.n.e.i.l. - .S.t.a.y.
Modern Life Is War - D.E.A.D.R.A.M.O.N.E.S.
the chemodan - c h e m o d a n
ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ - ᅠᅠS A Y ᅠS O M E T H I N G
L a n a D e l R e y - S u m m e r t i m e S a d n e s s
B R I N G M E T H E H O R I Z O N - S L E E P W A L K I N G
t h e w e e k n d - w i c k e d g a m e s
T.i.m.b.a.l.a.n.d. .f.e.a.t... .K.e.t.t.y. .P.e.r.r.y. - If We Ever Meet Again
M a r k u s S c h u l z f e a t. A n a C r i a d o - Surreal (Omnia Remix) [ASOT 503]
T h r e e D a y s G r a c e - S o m e o n e W h o C a r e s
O.o.m.p.h. - R.e.a.d.y. .O.r. .N.o.t.
2.P.a.c ft. E.m.i.n.e.m - Soldier Like Me
Y U N G / L E A N - D I A M O N D S
Y U N G L E A N - M O T O R O L A
M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Record Club #010 (27-02-2015)
DJ M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. feat. Карина Кокс - На краю земли
M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Record Club #019 (28-04-2015)
E v e f e a t G v e n S t e f а n i - L e t m e b l o w y a m i n d
~~~ D N S P r o j e c t f e a t . J o h a n n a - M i n d f u l ( R a d i o E d i t ) ~~~
S E L E N A G O M E Z - h a n d s t o m y s e l f
J a y - Z f e a t . A l i c i a K e y s - E m p i r e S t a t e o f M i n d
.H.i.t.m.a.n.: .B.l.o.o.d. .M.o.n.e.y. - .A.p.o.c.a.l.y.p.s.e.
H A N S Z I M M E R - I N T E R S T E L L A R
A...l .B...a.n.o. a...n.d R...o.m.i.n.a P...o.w.e.r - F...e.l.i.c.i.t.à
D/.J/. ./A./l./e/x/e./y/ / .R/o./m/e/.o - I./f/. /.y/.ou./ w./a./n./n./a b./e/. ./r/.i/.ch
♥ DJ M.E.G. feat. Карина Кокс - Там Где Ты (M.E.G. N.E.R.A.K Rework) ♥
t h e c r a n b e r r i e s - z o m b i e
P.a.u.l. .B.a.n.k.s. - O.v.e.r. .M.y. .S.h.o.ul.d.e.r
C/r/i/s/s/ A/n/g/e/l/ - R/u/b/b/e/r/ R/o/o/m/
M y C h e m i c a l R o m a n c e - Famous Last Words
M A D I L Y N B A I L E Y & J A K E C O C O - I Need Your Love
2.P.a.c. - O.n.l.y. .G.o.d. .C.a.n. .J.u.d.g.e. .M.e.
K.e.y.s.h.i.a .C.ol.e. - S.h.o.u.l.d.a .L.et.. .Y.ou. .G.o .in.t.r.o.d.u.ci.n.g. .A.m.i.na
t.A.=T.u. - Sh=e love=s m=e n=ot
T-h-e- -F-r-a-y - Y-o-u- -F-o-u-n-d- -M-e
E.m.i.n.m. - W.e. M.a.d.e. Y.o.u.
T h e N e i g h b o u r h o o d - F e m a l e R o b b e r y
M.I.N.E.C.R.A.F.T. - H.E.R.O.B.R.I.N.
t r o u b l e m a k e r - n o w
W i l d C h e r r y - P l a y T h a t F u n k y M u s i c
T.h.e D.a.m.n.i.n.g W.e.l.l - Awakening
A R C T I C M O N K E Y S - whyd you only call me when youre high
Lana Del Rey - N a t i o n a l A n t h e m
K.a.n.n.a.m.i.x ft. V.e.e.l.a. - Cerulean (Elliot Berger Remix) "'dubStep BaLaNce'"
Y U N G L E A N - O R E O M I L K S H A K E
D i e A n t w o o r d - C o o k i e T h u m p e r
F l o r e n c e A n d T h e M a c h i n e - Heavy In Your Arms
M E L A N I E - M A R T I N E Z - Carousel
M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Record Club #009 (20-02-2015)
M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Record Club #013 (17-03-2015)
M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Record Club #014 (24-03-2015)
M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Record Club #015 (31-03-2015)
M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Record Club #016 (07-04-2015)
DJ M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. feat KARINA KOKS - НА КРАЮ ЗЕМЛИ (Original mix)
ВИНТАЖ и M.E.G. & N.E.R.A.K. - Я верю в любовь (Минус)
[LOUND SOUND] E v e f e a t G v e n S t e f а n i - L e t m e b l o w y a m i n d
E.v/a.n/e.s/e.n/.s - t.a/k.i/n.g/ .o/v./e/.r/ ./m.e/.
N i r v a n a - S m e l l s L i k e T e e n S p i r i t
L a n a D e l R e y - M o n e y P o w e r G l o r y
l a n a d e l r e y - d I e t m t n d e w
L i n k i n P a r k - M y D e c e m b e r
ㅤ■ ㅤa n t o n i oㅤs a l i e r iㅤ - ㅤ♢ d i a b o l i cㅤm a e s t r o
3 0 S e c o n d s T o M a r s - F r o m Y e s t e r d a y