On a beautiful summer morning in Thailand, guests are arriving for a wedding. Some are arriving in cars but the most special guests are riding, in traditional style, on the backs of elephants. Elephants are as heavy as cars but they aren’t as fast, and most people also think elephants aren’t as comfortable as cars. However, in Thailand these animals have great importance. The Asian elephant became a domestic animal 5,000 years ago. In the past they transported soldiers to wars and worked in the forests pulling up trees and carrying wood. Nowadays, it’s more common to see them transporting tourists and people on special occasions, but they are as important as ever in Thai society.
Lester Courtney and his wife spend a lot of time with their horses, not for leisure but for work. They are traditional tree loggers who cut trees in traditional ways. They also transport the trees traditionally – with horses. Once the trees are down, Dan and Maddy pull them away. They’re Lester’s two horses. Lester has always used horses. Horses aren’t the fastest form of transportation but Lester doesn’t believe modern machines are as good. It’s true that horses aren’t as strong as lorries, or as fast, but Lester prefers working with animals. For one thing a horse isn’t as heavy as modern machinery so it doesn’t damage the old forests. Lester also prefers horses because horses aren’t as noisy.