Shovelling his way through the graveyard soil Home of the deceased repository of vermin Beads of perspiration are standing on his brow Rutting glances in his bloodshot eyes As he keeps on digging for the body in the ground
Taking the lid off the box, a stagnant odour arises Revealing, creaking & grating The carrion of a disabled gorgon, recently expired of Putrefaction. advanced leprosy & psoriasis. This emaciated corpse shall form my necrocorpolagnistic will
Gravedigger, slicing through the flesh Rancid stench, emerging from the wound Ornaments, necrotic utensil, he dressed up in their skin Transvestite in extreme, squatting down, raping the corpses
Lunacy striken, he lets down his pants Slaveringly, staring at the carcass
Gravedigger, peeling off the skin Rancid stench, emerging from the wound With surgical precision, meticulous dissection He squats down, raping the corpses