Highlife is a group (infamous street crew) from the areas of Stockport. We specialise in genres of music such as Grime, Hip-Hop, Trap, Rap & more. The Group features Artists Such as; Strika JayDott Eze JayCee Benito Butler Lil Man Highlife have been making music since 2012 till the present date and have worked hard to get them where they are in the Music Industry Today. You can Add/Follow the Team Here; Strika [Facebook: Sam Strika Cairns] [Twitter @Strika0161] JayDott [Facebook: Jordan JayDot Sweeney] Eze [Facebook: Eddie Pickersgill] [Twitter @Its_EZE] JayCee [Facebook: Joshua JayCee] Benito Butler [Facebook: Benito Butler] [Twitter @BenitoBArtist] Lil Man [Facebook: Jack Rastaman Sweeney]