Liking the action, every day I try to be the patient Of my stabilisation, but without qualification. And station of my mind is about strange attention, thus really sometimes I want forever to switch off it. Offtop is my histerical laugh, one day - one love. Wow... Has it now the perspective? Surely, I don`t know. I don`t like winter, but I hate, when that`s without snow. Global warming, ozonic holes - true or false? Nowadays I often hear these unuseful talkings. Modernisation of the Earth - who wants to promise? That`my or your own war to mass-media magnates. The part of biomass or self - diifer these tastes. Hey, get up, my niggas, I feel as nobody wants to see us as nobody needs that. Peace, my brother, and don`t cry to the state anything, But remember, that your proudness is your own mental police.