Steph, Shane, Leah and Ben research Li-Fraumeni. Ben has found a similar case, where the patient died. Jo enters to tell Steph that April and Jax are still together. Jo admits she and Alex faked the breakup and she blames Steph for filing the anonymous complain, causing all the problems. Leah breaks in and says it was her and it was a real complaint. Shane shifts everyone's attention saying they need to focus on saving Rory's life and not let trivial matters distract them. Richard and Alex have done thoracotomy, trying to stop the bleeding. They are desperately trying to save Rory. Steph, Shane, Leah, Jo and Ben are all on their feet, books open, brainstorming. Alarms blare. Richard and Alex look up at the monitors. V fib, starting cardiac massage. Steph, Shane, Leah, Joe and Ben continue brainstorming. Alex has the paddles on the heart. Defib goes off and Alex checks they got a heart rhythm. They can now go in and find the source. Steph, Shane, Leah, Joe and Ben have come up with a plan and are excited to go and tell Richard. They all run off. Alex and Richard come fresh out of the OR like defeated soldiers. The exited residents surround them. Shane says they got a plan ready, but Richard breaks the sad news.