Fast food becomes an integral part of the modern world. Many people cannot imagine life without a hamburger or hot dog. Crazy rhythm of life doesn’t allow modern people to dine in peace. Instead of the normal meal they eat food in haste, for example business lunch at the nearest eatery or instant noodle bags. Fast food as the industry emerged in the 1920s in America. Now many companies are selling fast food. The most popular is McDonald’s and KFC. I'll tell you about them. The first McDonald’s restaurant opened in California by McDonald brothers. They sold burgers for 15 cents and milk shakes for 20 cents. In 1955 a man called Ray Kroc became an agent for McDonald’s and started opening restaurants in other states. McDonald brothers were not very ambitious and so Ray Kroc bought the company. Now there are more than 25.00 McDonald’s in over 120 countries. The first Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant opened in August 1952 by Harland Senders. Harland started cooking meals when he was six years old. He chose to become a chef, and for nine years he developed the secret chicken recipe. In 1965 Sanders sold the company for $2 million, but he continued to work as KFC’s public spokesman and visited restaurant all over the world. In 1980 he died aged 90. Six years later PepsiCo bought KFC. There are now KFC restaurants in more than 80 countries and the recipe is still a secret!
Фаст фуд (fast food) или быстрое питание: польза или вред ... Фаст фуд (fast food) или быстрая еда, быстрое питание: польза или вред? Правильное ... Published on Jan 15, 2014. Фаст фуд ...
Fast Food - Cooking hamburger and fries / Фаст фуд ... Для приготовления картошки фри в домашних условиях вам понадобиться: 1. Очистить и порезать соломкой картофель 2. Промыть под ...