Автор песни: Евгений Колесников. Написано для группы 18th of Life. Все права защищены.
Год: 2013.
О песне: об одиночестве и лучшем друге музыканта - его инструменте, который, несмотря на свою великую силу, не может согреть человека.
I will be here 'till you decide to leave me, Doing sad steps, wait for cold wood makes me free... It from time to time consults, cause I am hopin', And I'm falling, so much falling, sticked on fire...
My sun days, my sad days, For ever, ever, all ways, Buy ticket on the station To feed a corporation, My brightwalls, my clean falls, So mighty pretty bad dolls, I need an inspiration To take my part of fashion...
It's off before we die, And I can wait for a while, So I might cause you pain Again.
I know not so much To hope us made that hard glitch, What can I do with slither question To you...
I treat myself as a good, friend, as tomorrow, I'm so happy bein' lonely in a blindness. I promise not to lie, my loseless O'rly, Mine a sweeper, stick a clean sheep, ride a horse...