Look at the boys over there And tell them that I want this too Because everytime the boys are doing it I realize what I need
I give a present to you Open it, please Order me a drink I will come up to you Or you’ll come down to me I want to see your rooms We’re lying in front of the minibar Come, let’s have a bath
36 degrees And it’s still getting hotter Do not turn the beat quieter anymore Kein Ventilator Das Leben kommt mir gar nicht hart vor 36 Grad
Look at what they are doing over there I don’t get what it’s all about But I like it All the boys are singing and dancing here Come girls, here we are
Take off your shoes Put on your bikini We’re going outside It starts to rain We are dacing and can already See the sun And now a rainbow Wow, this is beautiful
Und es wird noch hei?er 36 Grad Das Leben kommt mir gar nicht hart vor
Here boys, there girls Go on, go on... Give everything and more than you can do
Nobody knows what is going to happen in a moment But everybody knows, it is the air, which is burning