I am the most explicit form of propaganda Created to enter your brain and take control Like those who send me I am always in disguise For what I have to do they known I must look nice A slogan it can treat you an attractive image Anything short and simple that will catch the eye Let me climb in your ear and dwell in your mindcage And I will sell you the stuff they want you to buy
Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. This time
I may look poor for a simple song I really sing (???) ???? Let me climb in your ear and toil in your brain And I will make you ???? And I will sell you false belief and a brand new clear conscience Even your own death if I have to
Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. This time
I am on every screen I am on every wall I am in each of your cells I am a real war machine
Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. This time
I sell you hate Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. I sell you horror Maybe fear. Maybe war. Maybe lies. This time I sell you fear I sell you poison I sell your own death. I sell you war. I sell you