1.Further than trues, harder than you Southern than west, falling into... Stop me now, I'm tearing apart, You like a puppeteer from the start - Stealing my dreams, holding my muse. Now I can see the fresher news. You start me than, you buried me now, Breath from the lungs who is in row? "Ha, ha, ha" - like shots coming, Tell me the price of laughing. Shot me in heart, insert the knife Steel is not fashion, wound me with life, I will be victim, you will be convict You are an executioner, I am an addict. I am an addict... Chorus: Nail me with your biggest nail Understand me, like you can Lose me, I bet you do, Abuse me, absolute cure.
2.Сan't live without it, I adore your hair, I cold scream about it, your brows like an air. Please, stop this madness, you torturing me I wish you wish me luck and set me free... Set me free... Chorus: Nail me with your biggest nail Understand me, like you can Lose me, I bet you do, Abuse me, absolute cure!
3.Get naked bitch, I seek of your leading You different now, wanna hear your screaming I'll change it all, do it my way Sea is floating out, it brought the hate
Chorus 2: Nail you with my biggest nail Understand you, like I can Lose you, I bet I do, Abuse you, absolute cure!