~ॐ~6 день Мантра Путешествия - From Darkness to Light~Om asatomo satgamaya Tamasoma jyotirgamaya Mrityorma amritemgamaya. | Текст песни и Перевод на русский
From Darkness to Light~Om asatomo satgamaya Tamasoma jyotirgamaya Mrityorma amritemgamaya.
Солнечно-золотого настроения, друзья! И пушистого СИЯНИЯ! Сегодня 17 сентября и мы влетаем в СВЕТ с мантрой 6-го дня нашего Мантро-Путешествия. Поздоровайтесь со своим внутренним Солнышком и – вперёд!! Итак: ~ॐ~ 6-ый день: Из тьмы к Свету и Мантра Шестого Дня ~ Ом асатомо сатгамайя Тамасома джотиргамайя Мритьёрма амритемгамайя ~ॐ~ ~♥~ॐ~♫~☼~~♥~ॐ~♫~☼~~♥~ॐ~♫~☼~~♥~
Day 6: From Darkness To Light
Om asatomo satgamaya Tamasoma jyotirgamaya Mrityorma amritemgamaya
Take us from the false to the truth. From darkness to light. From death to eternal life.
Inner Tuning: I carry the understanding that each moment is a rebirth, and each moment is illuminated by that which never changes, never dies.
*** Today’s mantra helps us to connect with the space within ourselves that never changes and never dies. Nothing in the material world is permanent, everything is constantly changing. Only within ourselves can we find that silent center which is not affected by the turbulence of life.
This is what we tune into when we meditate, when we chant or sing. This is what nourishes our souls. Experiencing the silence after the chanting, we rest in a subtle emptiness – an emptiness that paradoxically, is full of light.
Mantras In Motion: In the rush of day-to-day events, it is easy to forget that each moment offers the possibility of a rebirth into the new. Use this beautiful mantra to reconnect with Essence. Close your eyes and allow the sounds to carry you into a relaxed, easy space of ecstatic silence. As the chant finishes and you open your eyes, pay attention to what you see, to your experience of seeing the world around you in this moment.
With love, Deva & Miten
“No matter how long the room has been dark, an hour or a million years, the moment the lamp of awareness is lit the entire room becomes luminous. You are that luminosity. You are that clear light.”
-Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
*** В теме группы: "21-дневное Мантра-Путешествие с Дэвой Премал и Митеном!!!!" http://vk.com/topic-16031968_28960455 собраны описание и аудио-записи всех дней. Напоминаю, что лучше слушать в наушниках. Доброго Пути!