When I get to my life's end Like I know I will someday If I see those pearly gates, you know I'll want to walk away I'll walk away, I'll walk away
And when I get to where I'm going I know just where I'll stay When I get to where I'm going The devil will make me pay He'll make me pay, he'll make me pay
Lay me down on unhallowed ground Unjustified
And if I see the man upstairs I'll ask him where he's been Through famine, flood and war and pain I'll ask him who the hell he thinks he is Who the hell he thinks he is
And I'm not proud of the things I've done I'm proud of what I've dreamed I'm not proud of those things I've done But a man only has his means, only has his means, and I've had mine
Lay me down on unhallowed ground No one around, not a sound No one to mourn or curse the day I was born, I'm unjustified