The world needs saving another time Its up to us to make things alright We lay our lives on the line And just hope this all turns out fine Circle the wagons; rally the troops Another artifact is up to no good Evil's gaining a foothold again We stand and fight; determined to win
Beaten down but never broken Defeat is a word never spoken This world might knock me down but I get right back up I fight it back. I won't give up
Talk about cutting it close Another artifact has us in its throes We work together to find A way to neutralise just in time Takes more than an artifact to stop Death hasn't wrapped its hands round me Even when things look grim Its the fight that matters; we never give in
The world is a scary place Can be a lot for one person to face The life and death thing never goes away But I fight for my home day after day You can take away all that I have I'll find a way to bring it back When it seems that all is lost We'll save the day; whatever the cost