Should give yourself a little more credit, and take the blame for once in your life. It's such a shame you keep forgetting all the times you've tried to say goodbye.
Take it, leave it or forget it.
Hey there Illuminess, in your long, white, lace dress. You're a lunatic, in your short, red dress you sell your trick.
You've let this go a little long now. It might be time you try to change your life. You've got your friends here right beside you, you've got no reason to run and hide.
Hey there Illuminess, in your long, white, lace dress. You're a lunatic, in your short, red dress you sell your trick.
It's a long way down - But not for you. It's hard days work - But not for you. He'll wear the crown - In despite of you. She'll awake the hate - Inside of you.
No, no, no, no. Don't let her, No!
Hey there Illuminess, in your long, white, lace dress. You're a lunatic, in your short, red dress you sell your trick.