Now come all you young people And listen while I tell About a maid they called Naomia Wise. Her face was fair and beauteous; She was loved by everyone. In Randolph county now her body lies.
Naomia had a lover, Young Lewis was his name; Each evening he would hover by her side. She learned to love and trust him And she believed his word. He told her she was soon to be his bride.
One summer night he met her And took her for a ride. She thought that she was going to be wed. The came to old deep river, And so the story goes. "You've met your fatal doom." the villon said.
She begged him just to spear (spare her?) The villion only laughed. They say he was heartless cold. And in the stream he threw her, Below the old mill dam. And sweet Naomia's smile was seen no more.
Next day they found her body Go floating down the stream, And all the people around for miles did cry, Young Lewis left the country. They brought him back again But could not prove that he caused her to die.
They say that on his death bed Young Lewis did confess. He said that he had killed Naomia Wise. And now they know her spirit Still lingers round the place To save young ones from some villion's lies.