It was never in my fate to meet my beloved. Even if more years of life was to me allocated, I would have been still awaiting the prize cherished.
If you think that I had been living on your promise, it is a lie. For, if I had faith in you, would not of joy I would die.
Woe betide, my friendship, that the friends give pious advice and sermons they deliver. I need someone on whose shoulders could I weep, who could allay my grief and my fears.
Whom should I tell that the night of sorrow is full of pangs. I would not have resented the death, if it comes only once.
Disgraced, as I was after my death, why didn't I drown in a river or sea. Neither, there would have been a funeral, nor tomb erected for me.
The marvels of ethical problems and your statements full of meanings. I would have counted you, "Ghalib" amongst dearest friends of God; if only, you had not been a lover of drinks.