Perpetual Dormancy (2011, Leveling the Plane of Existence)
Genre: Death Metal
Spiraling down into a world without a conscious Selflessness a vision rarely seen Crawling out of the sickness that surrounds us Drifting from a womb of selfish greed
The righteous are long for death Martyrs now cognizant
Filled with doubt my hatred becomes boundless Cannot rest in dens of enemies Let them pray for a change that they'll call progress Renew their faith so that they may proceed
The righteous are longing for death Martyrs now cognizant
I see the herds of passive flesh Plunging to their untimely deaths Our world is falling to pieces
[Chorus:] The essence of this world is rotten Decaying in a violent sea Lost souls forgotten In perpetual dormancy
I see the herds of passive flesh Wandering from the hope they've left Cannot forget their faces