In due time when lastly I become Death Death will be the seed from which I grow Animated by ardent conflagration I am all you so heatedly strove for
Now filled with regret wail in desperation For all shall vanish in one violent roar For Death needs time for what it kills to grow in This endless viral replication of life-in-death
The furnace of millennial pressures Scorched beneath flaming wings Virulently explodes in vengeful wrath scorched Beneath Flaming Wings A Heated pyroclastic flow that purges Scorched Beneath Flaming Wings [ From: ] Consuming all standing in its path scorched beneath flaming wings
The wings of death Unfurl with a cry of war Now filled with regret Behold the Phoenix soar
Now I am become Death destroyer of Worlds Flirting with possibilities beyond hate and bliss Placing illusion in the fiery grave as it belongs Into scorching fire all shall find their desired peace
A flame of omnicidal candour Embracing all in grandeur Scorching bonds in rapture Nothing but glowing stupor