Parsi Rustomji: The world is not for the doubting man. Let a man by wisdom dispel his doubts. For nothing on earth resembles wisdom’s power to purify and this a man may find in time within himself, when he is perfected in spiritual exercise. Then thoughts are steadied and come to rest allowing one to see God in the individual. Knowing this, he stands still moving not an inch from reality. Standing firmly unmoved by any suffering, however grievous it may be.
Whoever gives up a deed because it causes pain, or because he shrinks from bodily pain, follows the way of darkness, knowing nothing of self-surrender. But if a work is done because it should be done and is enjoined by Scripture and without thought for great benefits, then that is surrender in Goodness. With doubt cut away, suffused with goodness, the self-surrendered man hates neither uncongenial work nor looks only for pleasant work.
chorus: These works of sacrifice must be done. From old did the Lord of creatures say that in sacrifice you sustain the gods and the gods sustain you in return. So was the wheel set in motion and who here fails to match his turning living an evil life, the senses his pleasure ground, lives out his life in vain ground, lives out his life in vain.