This wheat, Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.
This cheerful bird-bird, Which often stealing wheat Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.
That cat, That scares and catches a bird, Which often stealing wheat Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.
That dog without a tail, Which cat by the scruff shakes, That scares and catches a bird, Which often stealing wheat Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.
This hornless cow, Lyagnuvshaya old dog without a tail, Which cat by the scruff shakes, That scares and catches a bird, Which often stealing wheat Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.
This old, gray-haired and strong, Hornless cow is milked, Lyagnuvshuyu old dog without a tail, Which cat by the scruff shakes, That scares and catches a bird, Which often stealing wheat Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.
This lazy and thick shepherd Which war with korovnitsey strictly, Hornless cow is milked, Lyagnuvshuyu old dog without a tail, Which cat by the scruff shakes, That scares and catches a bird, Which often stealing wheat Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.
Here are two of the cock, Which wake of a shepherd, Which war with korovnitsey strictly, Hornless cow is milked, Lyagnuvshuyu old dog without a tail, Which cat by the scruff shakes, That scares and catches a bird, Which often stealing wheat Which is stored in a dark closet In home, That Jack built.