There is irony in what’s happening around us. Amidst streets of a thousand lies. Let everything become as black as it can get. I hate culture in its form of stone. Stealing teeth from the hungry ones. I hate the revolution when it is just a nice word you can fit into. This city is as dead as Mr. Debord and still, there is so much that matters. Because when we say meaning, we mean it. Life is real as long as it lasts. We will always be in love, in the name of our dreams.
(words) “In a world that is really upside down, the true is a moment of the false.” - Guy Debord Mutability, variation of form, and ambiguity are some of the uncountable characteristics of culture that we can’t forget. We can’t walk on the black streets of lies and spectacular pseudo-culture without feeling that the irony of our times is running in our blood. Keeping a big old stone in our garden of knowledge commodifies the deathly traditions of our dead city. We’re tired of talking about revolution, we’ll take the dead corpse from our bookshelf and build a new city with actual needs. There’s so much to take from them, there’s still so much we can do in this city. Our alienated everyday life in this media-influenced society is stopping us from living for the moment or throwing us to a dubious spectacular moment of ignorance.