For us it makes no difference who was judge Who will be forgiven, and who destroyed. Now the value has only a whim, According to him, I will judge your life! The light never illuminate you, Because it will still affect. Nothing worthy of our petitions, Everything will be destroyed, even perfect!
Fog at dawn, Scatter dust... Your souls, This is just a consequence of my majesty!
Smile to me the embodiment of sadness, In my "House of Life" all too well. In my "House of Death" as soon decline, We complement each other! Let the "middle worlds" are only pawns, In the game what we started ... And even the "IT" is not able to shake, We have poured our monuments of steel!
Forever separated, Everything what connected. We have created a new world, Where everything perfect ...
What will happen then it does not matter. The main thing is that we are a chain. Now let's create, Its part of the great world!