In Ancient times a malevolent force descended, wreaking havoc Upon the world, tearing it asunder. The earth was born and its destiny set in place As evil xenos fell from the sky, to create and dominate. They sow the seeds of life, the saplings grow from the seed, mankind is formed in the Image of the gods.
Slaves from the start, malevolent design, to harvest the riches of the land The xenos raped the earth To sustain their own eternal birth.
Mankind a lesser race, to be scorned. Driven to submit, the gods will bleed all life. A great war erupted in the sky Fighting for the souls of their creations, mankind was fed from the tree of knowledge.
And he Became aware of his own existence The gods left this place, vowing to return Thousands of years have passed, now its time. This is the end of days, the masters return to the slaves to take it all from them Suck it dry Restart the world again, your creation's a lie And you Will never know the truth 'Cause your creation's a lie, fear the invisible gods.