I'm not in this fight alone! Still in your face, still fucking here! Till my last dying breath!
Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!
So many have come and gone, only a few have stood the test For some it's just a passing phase, but for us it's the only way We are still right here! Right here! The scars we wear show that we are real It's not something we saw on t.v. or that we read in a book It was born in the streets!
This is for those with real hate inside This is for those with no shame to hide This is for the fuck ups and the disenchanted We are the ones who refuse to be branded
We are right here! Still right here!
Trends set no values, they just confuse the youth They give no reason for nothing to hold on to Our time never expires, our marks show that truth The chains that bind us, you can't undo