O Son, O Son You're the radiance in my eyes You're more precious to me than my soul and eyesight You rejoice my anxious heart I would sacrifice myself for your sake, and everything else I have What a beautiful time it was when you were young, laughing and eagerly gazing at me Where is the one who used to be my cordiality? I became with no companion What was it that distracted you from me? Is it the lowly life? Which crime have I committed? For you to desert me? Have you forgotten the love? For I have never forgotten I really wished that you were faithful to the pact I have been through all kinds of hardship to make you live in ease And I have struggled to enable you of getting the good knowledge and to find in front of me a strong and capable man, refined like Pleiades I spend the night restless, calling: O son, come back to me Come back to me my loved one, as pure as you once were May I face you someday, before I face death Despite this distance, my heart was never distant from you O Lord, Forgive and pardon him, and guide him to the right path Today, I am content with him, O lord make him a compliant one