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AJ Hoge - 2_Emotional_Mastery_VOCAB | Текст песни

Emotional Mastery Vocabulary Text
Okay, welcome to the vocabulary lesson for “Emotional Mastery.” Let’s get started.
A few of the words I used in the main speech, the main article. First let’s talk about
posture. Posture. So posture means the position of your body, it’s how you stand or sit.
So we talk about good posture, for example. Good posture means your shoulders are
back. Your back is straight, your chin is up. That’s what we usually call good posture.
And bad posture would mean, you know again, you’re leaning forward. Your shoulders
are forward. Your back is not straight. So again, posture just means the position of
your body, how you position your body. How you hold your body, that’s posture.
Another word I used was grin. A grin can be a noun, it’s a thing. Or it can be a verb, it’s
something you do. So to grin means to smile, but to smile in a big way. When you grin,
you’re not using a small smile. You’re using a very, very big smile. Again, it’s also a
noun so if you have a very big smile on your face, we say that is a grin. He has a big
grin. You could use both, I guess. You could say he is grinning a big grin. Okay, so
grin again is a large smile or the act of doing a large smile.
Another phrase I used was “tends to be.” He tends to be an angry person. Tends to be
means usually is. So he usually is an angry person. He tends to be an angry person.
So it’s something that usually happens, usually is true, mostly is true. But not always,
not always. So I could say, Tomoe tends to be happy. It means she usually is happy.
It’s her normal thing to do or normal thing to feel. But not always, sometimes she’s not
happy. So tends to be, usually is or often is or mostly is.
Okay, another word I used was shifting. Shifting your body and the verb is to shift. To
shift your body means to move it. It really means kind of to change its position. A shift
is a change of position. So if I have my head down and then I shift it, then maybe I
move it to a different position. Now it’s up. I shifted from down to up. We use this in
other areas, not just body. You can use it for driving, for example. When you’re driving
you can shift from first gear to second gear. Or reverse, you’re going backwards, then
you stop, you shift the car and you change and you go forward. So again, you’re
changing the gear’s position. Okay, so shift is a change in position.
I used the word shallow, shallow breath or shallow breathing. And I also used the word
deep, deep breathing or a deep breath. So they’re opposites, of course. Deep, we also
use this with water, for example. Deep water means water that goes down very far.
Shallow water means water that’s not very deep, right? It’s the opposite, water that
does not go down far. So shallow breathing is the same idea. It means breathing that
is very small, that doesn’t go down into your body very much. So…that’s shallow
breathing, right? It’s small little breaths. The air does not go down deep into the body.
That is shallow breath or shallow breathing. And the opposite is deep. Deep breathing
is…right, the air goes down into my body very far, very deeply. But shallow…does not
go deeply. Okay, so we use this a lot with breathing. Shallow breathing and deep
breathing, they’re opposites.
Another word I used is force, to force, using it as a verb, an action. To force something
or to force yourself to do something. It’s a very common phrase. The whole thing
again, to force yourself to do something. For example, force yourself to smile. So force
means to try hard. It has an idea that you don’t want to do it but you do it anyway. You
make yourself do something difficult. You make yourself do something maybe you don’t
want to do. So you use effort. You use your energy. You use your power to do
something. So when you force something it’s the opposite of really relaxed. It’s the
opposite of doing it effortlessly. So force yourself to smile means use your energy.
Make yourself

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